Target Ways to Improve Engagement and User Outcomes with the UX Assessment

An engaging, intuitive application can streamline how employees complete their daily tasks and compel customers to spend more time in your digital ecosystem. Is your application’s UX optimized to deliver these next-level outcomes?

Our UX Assessment helps you uncover exactly that, providing an aerial view of where your application currently offers a seamless experience and pinpointing vital areas of improvement.

Get in touch to begin your UX Assessment.

The UX Assessment is part of our expansive UX Design services, which also include UX-focused digital product development and modernization.


Using Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics as a foundation, the UX Assessment targets ways your users can have a more successful and satisfying experience with your application.

Each section of our assessment aligns with one heuristic. Using a grading scale of 0-100% for each segment, you will have a quick overhead view of where your application already succeeds and where we see room for improvement.

Beyond simply assigning a grade, our assessment outlines specific areas where users are having trouble and what needs to be done to offer a better experience.

Learn more about the specific insights you will gain from the UX Assessment by exploring the 10 Heuristics below:

1) Visibility of System Status

Users should have a clear idea of what they are doing within your application. Our assessment uncovers opportunities to better convey this information to users, such as clear notifications when they have successfully completed a task.

2) Match Between System and the Real World

Discover ways to use iconography that users are familiar with in the real world to make the application more intuitive.  

3) User Control and Freedom

Users feel frustrated when they know they have made a mistake but do not have a straightforward way to go back and fix it. Our UX Assessment pinpoints where this issue is arising in your application and suggests new designs and functionalities to avoid it.

4) Consistency and Standards

Ensure employees and customers know exactly what they are doing and where they are going in your application with consistent buttons and navigation icons.

5) Error Prevention

At some point, we have all felt the frustration of closing an application without hitting “save.” Our UX Assessment helps you establish the proper safety net for users to limit these annoying errors.

6) Recognition, Not Recall

Our assessment checks to see if you have the proper breadcrumb structure in place to help users retrace their steps.

7) Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

We find ways to make your application as flexible as possible to the user’s preferences. That allows customers and employees to enjoy the system in the way that works best for them.

8) Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

Our assessment detects where users are unable to see everything clearly, where they are bombarded with text, and where they may be disengaging from the application due to aesthetic choices.

9) Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

Whether the application is disconnected from the internet or a feature is down for maintenance, we work with you to ensure users know what the problem is and what they need to do for better outcomes.

10) Help and Documentation

We analyze how your application provides help to users and ensure you are delivering that assistance in the most intuitive way possible.

UX designers looking over plans for new application.

Identifying Next Key Steps

The UX Assessment also includes our experts’ detailed commentary on how to implement our suggested improvements. That includes mock-up designs of the enhanced interface that your team is free to use as a guide.

If you need help implementing these suggestions and further improving customer and employee engagement, our UX experts are ready to provide end-to-end support.

Ready to boost customer and employee experiences?  

Contact us today to begin your UX Assessment.