Finding the Right Application Modernization Service

James Ardis
application modernization service

Like many executives, you’ve probably realized that your organization needs to modernize its applications to streamline processes and exceed customers’ needs. 87% of IT leaders say their organizations have at least begun a modernization initiative, according to a recent survey.

However, you may be worried that the modernization project you started (or are about to dive into) does not have a clear direction. Without definitive and frequent benchmarks backed up by KPIs, your company’s stakeholders will become increasingly skeptical of the initiative.

You might also be concerned that the modernization goals you set months ago no longer reflect your company’s most pressing needs. 93% of organizations say that COVID, inflation, supply chain issues, and other recent events have made their digital needs more complex, according to IBM. A rigid modernization effort cannot pivot in the face of an ever-changing world.

Whether you’re starting or restarting your initiative, discover some of the top things to consider when choosing the application modernization service for you.

Clear Timeline to Value 

Without a clear idea of how modernization will create value and when stakeholders can expect to see it, your initiative will only drain your company’s time and money. 41% of CIOs report pausing or abandoning a modernization project, with a poorly-constructed roadmap being cited as a top reason. 

A high-quality application modernization provider will take the time to understand what matters most to your company. Then, they will provide a clear idea of how modernization can help drive those goals and when you can expect to see results.

Young Asian woman with grey sweater and white mask holding out her hand to direct viewer's attention to application modernization timeline on television screen

Programmers’ Fast-Track Application Modernization service begins with a business discovery phase, in which we sit down with your leaders to understand your goals, as well as roadblocks you’ve faced along the way. 

Then, in 90-day modernization cycles, we iteratively remove those barriers to value. Our clients can count on seeing improved operations where they need it most every 90 days.

Plans to Continuously Modernize

No single 90-day modernization cycle will streamline all your employee and customer-facing systems. Instead, your organization should focus on continuously improving its applications. 

Ensure the application modernization service provider you work with takes a long-term view. Ask them for examples of times they’ve modernized systems for continuous progress while also providing short-term value.

Female doctor with red painted fingernails typing on laptop

For example, we helped a healthcare revenue cycle management company provide more accurate RCM tools and modernize solutions that scale. In the short term, we made their automated systems more robust, allowing our client to detect if oncology practices throughout the US were undercharging private insurance companies for procedures. 

In the long term, we helped them connect their solutions and offer a comprehensive digital ecosystem. This will allow them to limit technical debt, efficiently add new features, and scale up their operations. 


The last few years have taught us that anything that can change will change. It’s impossible to know what your industry, your customers’ needs, and your internal workflows will look like years from now. 

Rigid application modernization services may set goals that end up being useless to your company in one year. Instead, partner with a nimble team that can respond dynamically to rapidly-developing needs. 

Fast-Track’s 90-day modernization cycles don’t just deliver value faster than most competitors. They also ensure that you can change the focus of your modernization effort dynamically. 

For example, let’s say you’re a carrier in the logistics industry. We’re helping you leverage real-time data to track whether your drivers are on-schedule. However, you notice driver accidents are increasing and your focus pivots to driver safety. We can dedicate our next modernization sprint to capturing key safety-related information, such as if drivers took their full breaks, if their pace is within the speed limit, and much more.

Illustrating application modernization service case study is an image of truck pulled over to the side of the road with mountains in the background

Final Thoughts 

Companies across industries know that now is the time to build new features, streamline processes, and integrate systems with application modernization. However, not all initiatives are effective.

 A high-quality application modernization service will take the time to understand what brings value to your company and set a clear timeline for reaching those goals. It will also work towards long-term business growth while remaining flexible enough to adapt to your company and your customers’ changing needs. 

As you weigh your options, check out our Fast-Track Application Modernization service and discover how it offers transparency, flexibility, and value at each step.

Let us know how we can help you.

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