ChatGPT Use Cases in the Corporate Environment

ChatGPT Use Cases in the Corporate Environment

ChatGPT has rapidly gained space in the corporate environment. Companies are finding many use cases for this technology, such as increasing efficiency, improving customer service, and driving business growth.  This AI tool already has over 100 million users. According...
Application Modernization Trends for 2023

Application Modernization Trends for 2023

Download Now: Our Free Application Modernization Playbook Download Chances are that your organization is already modernizing its legacy applications (or at least strongly considering it). In a recent survey, 87% of business leaders indicated modernization would be...
AI to Augment Business Capabilities

AI to Augment Business Capabilities

Over the past few decades, there has been exponential growth in automation. In the coming years, robots will have taken over most of the tedious and repetitive tasks. Automation began with production lines in factories, following the assembly line’s invention after...
Can you REACT quicker to uncover new opportunities?

Can you REACT quicker to uncover new opportunities?

Being part of a fast paced and highly competitive market demands every organization to act quickly to capture new business opportunities and react faster to threads. Information (powered by your data and, why not, public data, such as social...